Born 1968, Artist and writer. Lives and works in Copenhagen
Education: The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts 1993 – 1999
Selected solo exhibitions: Show Me, DAMP Gallery 2012; Everything Changes, ARoS 2012; The Script, Galleri Christina Wilson 2010; The room can never be closed, Brandts 2010; Radiant Copenhagen, ultimo marts på www.radiantCopenhagen.net 2009; Invisible graffiti and other photographic works in progress, Galleri Christina Wilson, Copenhagen 2008; Sculptures Are the Shadows of the Symbols, Galerie Mikael Andersen, Berlin 2007; THE I MUSEUM and the revolution of our secrets, Galleri Christina Wilson, Copenhagen 2007; I Symbolernes Skygge, J. F. Willumsens Museum, Frederikssund 2007; Galleri Stefan Andersson, Umeå, Sweden 2007; There is a Path, Galleri Christina Wilson, Copenhagen 2006; Hjem igen, Galerie Mikael Andersen & The Danish C 2004
Text publications: Skabelser, Arena 2010; Arkitektur -og andre værelser vi kan bygge sammen, Borgens Forlag 2007; Inventarium, Borgens Forlag 2001; Træning – øvelser for rum, poems, Borgens Forlag 2000; Sovende politik; Thoughts about beds, dreams, politics, own publication 1999; Det nye kvarter, poetry and short prose, Borgens forlag 1999; X-files 2, letters from my mother, diary notes etc., own publication, 1998; X-files, texts and drawings about the art world, Pars Electronic 1997;Vælg alt, Gyldendals forlag 1997
