Inhabitants: Orders
Welcome to the opening Thursday 26 April 5 – 8 pm
On Saturday 28 April at 2 pm you are invited to an Artist Talk
with Inhabitants

Inhabitants at Copenhagen Ceramics

Louise Birch; h.30 cm, w. 30 cm

Ole Vesterlund; h.30 cm w. 30 cm

Signe Schjøth; h. 30 cm w.30 cm

Dear colleague, I’d like to commission a cake stand from you.
It should be……
For their upcoming exhibition at Copenhagen Ceramics the six young ceramists behind the group Inhabitants have chosen to work with the cake stand as their theme. They have placed orders for new cake stands with each other, each giving directions as to what they wish the others to deliver. 30 bids for new cake stands emerged out of this – as crossbreeds of the commissioner and the interpreting maker. The results can be enjoyed at the new Copenhagen Ceramics gallery from 26 April – 19 May 2012.

Inhabitants are Danish ceramists Mikael Jackson, Kristine Tillge Lund, Signe Schjøth, Louise Birch, Ole Vesterlund and Christin Johansson. They have used the story that the Copenhagen Ceramics gallery-space formerly was a cake factory to put the theme of cake stands or cake-dishes to the fore. The group was founded in 2010 and operates collectively in parallel with the individual careers of each artist.
The aim of the group’s activities is to establish other ways of practicing than allowed for in the singular processes and methods of each artist. The group looks for new approaches and ways to scrutinize the creative process itself. What happens if your own working habits are challenged? Or if the very idea of the autonomy of the individual in the creative process is questioned? What if you, as an artist, were asked to carry out the idea and vision of someone else – if you received an order from your colleague? How would you interpret this vision? And how much of your own personality would or should be present in the finished work?
For the exhibition at Copenhagen Ceramics each artist has produced five cake stands according to the individual directions of the colleagues. The orders given are highly different – with more or less inspiration from the wondrous cultural history of cake-eating. From Rococo-fantasies to Cadbury-matter-of-factness. Or from looking at why cakes often have been named after celebrity actors or composers? Will we soon be seeing a Trentemøller-cake, named after the popular contemporary Danish musician? And what would the cake stand for it look like?
The members of Inhabitants have all graduated within the last ten years. Their individual works – however different in character – are rooted in a contemporary conceptual approach towards creating artistic expression. This is evident too in their way of dealing with even the functional tradition, as this exhibition will show.
The artists of the group are all among the leading ceramists of the younger Danish generation. Many of them already have a long and impressive exhibition record behind them, both in Denmark and abroad. They have received prizes, e.g. The Annie and Otto Johs. Detlefs Ceramics Award for talented and original contributions to the further development of the strong Danish ceramics tradition.
Saturday 28 April at 2 pm. the gallery invites to an Artist talk with Inhabitants.

Click names to view each artists work:
Christin Johansson
Kristine Tillge Lund
Louise Birch
Mikael Jackson
Ole Vesterlund
Signe Schjøth

Copenhagen Ceramics
Smallegade 46, 2. sal tv
2000 Frederiksberg
Contact: Martin Bodilsen Kaldahl
Mobile: 2728 5452

Wednesday — Friday: 1 – 6 pm
Saturday: 12 am – 4 pm