Born 1972. Works and lives in Copenhagen
Education: MA from Royal College of Art, London 2008.
Recent exhibitions include: Phoenix Landscapes, Huset, Aarhus, Denmark, 2011, Helt ude i skoven, Inhabitants, Designer Zoo, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2011, Galleri Pagter, Invited by Cramer & Tillitz, Kolding, Denmark, 2011, Biennalen for Crafts og Design, Koldinghus, Kolding, Denmark, 2011, Ann Linnemann galleri, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2011, Across, Ny Tap, Carlsbergbyen, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2010, Moving in with Inhabitants, Jantzens Hotel, Bornholm, Denmark, 2010, Kristine Tillge Lund invites… Puls Gallery, Brussels, Belgium, 2010, Crafts Council at David Mellor in connection with Collect, London, UK, 2010, Relations, Gallery Nakke Hage, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2009, KE, Kunstnernes Efterårsudstilling with Kristine Tillge Lund, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2009, Mint Gallery, London, UK, 2008, Køppe gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2008, Follow me I’m right behind you, London, UK, 2008, Final show, Royal College of Art, London, UK, 2008

Squares, 2010, 40 x 40 x 20 cm. Photo: Mikkel Mortensen

Untitled, 2010, 40 x 45 x 30 cm. Photo: Mikkel Mortensen

Battle of Evermore, 2010, 150 x 100 x 70 cm. Photo: Mikkel Mortensen