Press Release:
Anders Ruhwald: You will see
5 – 28 January 2012

Copenhagen Ceramics, a new exhibition venue for contemporary Danish ceramics, opens its doors on January 5th 2012 with a solo- exhibition by ceramic artist Anders Ruhwald, Danish born and currently working and living in Detroit. Ruhwald’s career now spans more than ten years of groundbreaking work and an impressive international exhibition activity.

In his upcoming exhibition,’You will see’, at Copenhagen Ceramics, he focuses in on a specific
range of objects. These objects: traffic cones, warning markers and barriers normally all function
as specific entities that guide and control movement in the public realm. In this exhibition, however, the objects are taken under consideration and seem to be changed over and placed in a different sphere, where our cultural understanding of them is questioned. What are they now? Sculptural appropriations of everyday objects or possibly just the objects themselves rendered in a different material? Some of the work in the show manifest itself as functional objects such as lamps or vases. These objects share the aesthetic qualities with the other work in the exhibition, yet as form typologies they situate themselves in a different category.
The exhibition “You will see” suggests a sense of collapse between the realms of public and domestic- proposing an uneasy relationship between the two, where anxieties of public life bleeds into the domestic and the decorative.
Anders Ruhwald was educated at the Glass and Ceramics School at Bornholm ( now part of the Design School at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts) and later at Royal College of Art in London. He is at present Artist-in-Residence at Cranbrook Academy of Art in Michigan, where
he also heads Department of Ceramics.
Ruhwald has received a number of international awards including a three year working stipend from the Danish Art Foundation; the Sotheby Prize from the V&A Museum in London and the goldmedal
at the Gyeonggi International Biennale in the Rep of South Korea 2011. Ruhwald has won much critical acclaim for his conceptual work that explores the boundaries of the ceramic medium
as an idea and a material.
The exhibition is supported by Danish Crafts and Danmarks Nationalbanks Jubilæumsfond af 1968

Copenhagen Ceramics
Smallegade 46, 2. sal tv
2000 Frederiksberg
Contact: Martin Bodilsen Kaldahl
Mobile: 2728 5452

Wednesday — Friday: 1 – 6 pm
Saturday: 12 am – 4 pm

Anders Ruhwald at Copenhagen Ceramics

Section, Version 1, 2010. Vases, 2010. Glazed earthenware
Photos by Jeppe Gudmundsen-Holmgreen