Born 1966. Works and lives in Copenhagen
Education and employments: Danish School of Design 1984–90. Board member, The Danish Arts Foundation 2013–16. Head of Department of Ceramics and Glass, School of Design, Copenhagen 1996–2004.
Recent and upcoming solo exhibitions: NeC Galerie, Paris 2014. Puls Gallery, Bruxelles 2013; Cheongju Korea 2013; NeC Gallery, Hongkong 2012; NeC Gallery, Paris 2010; Gallery Dock-56, Hamburg, 2010–2011.
Selected group exhibitions: Collective 2 Design Fair, New York 2014. Sydney Opera House 40th Anniversary Exhibition, 2013; Grand Palais, Paris 2013. Extrudox A/S, Charlottenborg Foundation Spring Exhibition, 2013. European Parliament, Brussels 2012. Mindcraft 10, Milano 2010. EXPO 2010.
Represented in public collections such as: Höganäs Museum, Sweden; Musée de Sèvres, Paris; ASU Art Museum Arizona, USA; Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg, Germany; Musée Magnelli, Vallauris, France; The New Carlsberg Foundation, Copenhagen; Victoria & Albert Museum, London; Icheon World Ceramic Center, Korea; Danish Museum of Art & Design., Copenhagen; The Danish Arts Foundation; Danish Ceramic Museum, Middelfart; Trapholt Art Museum, Kolding; Copenhagen Culture Foundation; Annie and Otto Johs. Detlefs Collection.

Organic 3/13. H. 42 x W. 28 cm, 2013
Photo: Ole Akhoej

Organic 8/13. H. 22 x W. 40 cm, 2013
Photo: Ole Akhoej

Organic 9/13. H. 18 x W. 33 cm, 2013
Photo: Ole Akhoej