Mikael Jackson
Born 1972. Lives and works in Copenhagen.
Education: MA from Royal College of Art, London, 2008.
Recent exhibitions include: 2013: Ann Linnemann Gallery, Arkitektoner, Solo show. 2012: Puls Contemporary Ceramics, Brussels, Belgium; Biennale Internationale de Vallauris, France; Copenhagen Ceramics, Inhabitants, Copenhagen; Ann Linnemann Gallery, Heliotroper, Copenhagen; Phoenix Landscapes, Huset, Aarhus, DK. 2011: Helt ude i skoven, Inhabitants, Designer Zoo, Copenhagen; Galleri Pagter, invited by Cramer & Tillitz, Kolding, DK; The Biennale for Crafts og Design, Koldinghus, Kolding, DK; Ann Linnemann galleri, Copenhagen; Across, Ny Tap, Carlsbergbyen, Copenhagen. 2010: Moving in with Inhabitants, Jantzens Hotel, Bornholm, DK; Kristine Tillge Lund invites… Puls Gallery, Brussels, Belgium; Crafts Council at David Mellor in connection with Collect, London, UK; Relations, Gallery Nakke Hage, Copenhagen. 2009: KE, Kunstnernes Efterårsudstilling with Kristine Tillge Lund, Copenhagen; Mint Gallery, London, UK: 2008: Køppe Gallery, Copenhagen; Follow Me I’m Right Behind You, London, UK; Degree show, Royal College of Art, London, UK, 2008.

’Trumpet Boxes’, 2008, earthenware, glaze and copperwire, 120x80x50 cm
Photo: Mikael Jackson

Untitled, 2012, earthenware, glaze, 10x15x10cm
Photo: Mikkel Mortensen

Bass, 2013, porcelain, 70x60x50cm
Photo: Mikael Jackson